Other relatives

Other relatives

This sponsorship program is also known as the lonely Canadian category or simply the ‘Lonely Canadian Program’ or the other relative program. Under this program, a Canadian permanent resident or Canadian citizen can sponsor an adult son, daughter, sister, uncle, brother, nephew or niece to immigrate to Canada. It is a mandate that the person being sponsored has to be within blood relation of the sponsor.

Some other eligibility criteria which have to be met:

  • The applicant or sponsor has to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Must not have a spouse who is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen
  • Must not have common law partner who is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen
  • Parent or grandparent or child who is a Canadian permanent resident or citizen

This program has been specifically designed for the Canadian sponsors who have no connections in Canada and no chance of sponsoring an immediate family member.

For all the above concerns, Lifetime Immigration is ready to assist you with all information, assessments and filing assistance!

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